PAGE 78 (Cont.) #N/A PAGE 83 #N/A PAGE 85 #N/A ITEM # RETAIL PRICE ITEM # RETAIL PRICE ITEM # RETAIL PRICE W9401 470.00 C52TCH00 22,725.00 W2118HC-1600 25,075.00 W9404 680.00 C33FPH00 29,875.00 W2118HC-1250 23,675.00 W9404-G 635.00 W2212-BLU 19,625.00 W2118HCW-1600 26,925.00 W5805 228.00 W2213 25,275.00 W2118DHC-1600 29,700.00 W5801 290.00 W2214 10,775.00 W2118DHC-1250 28,225.00 T15MNK CALL W2212-PLUMB 1,175.00 W2121HC-1 5,225.00 T30MNK CALL W2212-PLUMB3A 1,440.00 PAGE 86 #N/A 47190 605.59 W2212-PLUMB3M 1,820.00 W2118-1600 25,050.00 W580501 222.00 W2212-PLUMB3MP3 3,405.00 W2118-1250 23,650.00 W580104 283.00 W2213-PLUMB3A 2,235.00 W2118W-1600 26,925.00 W580302 302.00 W2213-PLUMB3M 2,525.00 W2118W-1250 25,500.00 W940102 28.25 W2214-PLUMB 585.00 W2121-1 5,250.00 CB0016 1,300.00 W2214-PLUMB3A 870.00 PAGE 87 #N/A CC2001 3,375.00 W2214-PLUMB3M 1,075.00 W2205 4,875.00 PAGE 79 #N/A 81544CBP 1,325.00 T3000VK CALL 85-H12 2,673.87 81544HCBP 1,735.00 W2201 5,825.00 85-H22 4,271.80 81546CBCI 1,745.00 VT816DT-FB 6,840.00 85-H23 6,347.07 81546HCBCI 2,320.00 PAGE 88 #N/A 85-H43RK 9,456.94 W221204 23.00 W2206 5,300.00 HPFRINSE 230.00 W221203 21.25 40166 CALL 49-PWRF15 138.33 PHP61DA80 482.50 W2216 27,075.00 86-H2PFB 226.11 645054 203.50 42317 15,899.78 85-HV150FLA 96.58 W940107K 233.00 PAGE 89 #N/A 85-HV200FLA 100.90 W2212-RECIRC 394.00 AG-H660-42-2HA 181.55 W5805-15H 212.00 PAGE 84 #N/A AG-H660-42-2 129.78 26003-83 2,661.12 NHAN8141AP00 20,100.00 25580 21.63 26002-42 3,431.22 NHBN6141AP00 21,400.00 14125A 9.00 26003-51 388.95 W2115-BLU 15,725.00 1605-AL-100 5.40 26002-56 178.46 W2115-1 15,450.00 22333TBN 6.00 PAGE 80 #N/A W2115-2-BLU 16,125.00 4756-2 2.92 FC-500L-S 10,250.00 W2115A-BLU 16,625.00 4753 0.85 FC-800-S 13,625.00 W2115A-1 16,350.00 4755-ZP 0.18 W1228-GIN 13,350.00 W2115A-2-BLU 17,025.00 4754-12 2.32 FN150K 69.00 W2116 29,450.00 LS5195L-12 319.39 FN150 51.87 W2117 1,685.00 N389140 573.56 BMX25QC 214.13 W2117-2 4,875.00 289141 NLA BMX40QC 216.88 W2117-1 4,375.00 9103311 85.33 BMX50QC 240.53 W2117-3 6,525.00 910333 85.74 MD-150 2.61 81544HR 1,480.00 910332 41.24 PAGE 81 #N/A 81546HR 1,895.00 910334 71.77 W5154 20,275.00 W211502 80.00 909983 10.28 W5154-FEND 805.00 W211006 960.00 9052148 NLA W5154-PUMP 485.00 W211007 22.75 X1803 3.27 PAGE 82 #N/A W211005 595.00 913632 NLA EXP-ARENA-1025 13,850.00 W120502 104.50 905944 NLA EXP-ARENA-500 8,950.00 W720115 118.50 953033 13.01 EXP-REMOTE 940.00 W210112 172.00 906497 28.55 EXP-HANDREMOTE 645.00 661176 155.36 2805760 114.00 8
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