220 Electronics www.WylieSprayers.com Part No. Description Remcor Controllers Triple Outlet, Operator Adjusted Controller 443-AECK Remcor 2551 controller with 1" pressure regulating valve, ball valves, triple electric in-cab boom shut-off and pressure control (Spray Wyng trailers and 3PT. Spray Wyng, EP 1000, HCS, LCS trailers, Side & Front Mount Tanks, 8420 boom) SCS-203HV Remcor 2040 controller with 1" pressure regulating valve, high volume solenoid valves, triple electric in-cab boom shut-off and pressure control (EP 1000, HCS, LCS trailers, Side & Front Mount Tanks, 8420 & VSB booms, Spray Shield) 4400/450 Controllers 3, 5 or 6 outlet, Automatic Controller Wylie Controllers (Raven or Remcor Components) Part No. Description SCS-4400AECK Raven™ SCS4400+ 3-10-outlet control, automatic system with 1" flowmeter, ball valves, wheel drive speed sensor (Spray Wyng trailers) SCS-4400AECK3PT Same as above for 3 PT. Row Wyng SCS-440AECK Raven™ SCS450 3-outlet control, automatic system with 1" flowmeter, ball valves, GPS speed sensor (Spray Wyng trailers, EP 1000, HCS, LCS trailers, Side & Front Mount Tanks, 8420 boom) SCS-440AECKR Same as above w/ radar SCS-440AECK3PT Same as above (but with GPS speed sensor) for 3 PT. Row Wyng SCS-450AECK Raven™ SCS450 6-outlet control, automatic system with 1" flowmeter, ball valves, GPS speed sensor (Spray Wyng trailers) SCS-450AECK3PT Same as above for 3 PT. Row Wyng 450AECK-5 Raven™ SCS450 5-outlet control, automatic system with 1" flowmeter, ball valves, wheel drive speed sensor (Spray Wyng trailers) 450AECK3PT-5 Same as above for 3 PT. Row Wyng REFER TO PRICE REFER TO PRICE LIST FOR CURRENT LIST FOR CURRENT PRICING PRICING